About Us

What’s Clued up all about? What are we? Well for a start we are a shop on the high street that doesn’t sell anything! Our service is FREE and it’s just for young people between the ages of 11 and 25. You can come to us for information, advice and support, for just about anything! Check our information and advice page for more details. As well as being FREE, our service is CONFIDENTIAL, you can TRUST us, we will LISTEN and we won’t judge you

A snapshot of just a few examples of what we get asked to help with and what young people say about our service:


I feel anxious about going up to secondary school.

I’m not sure about my courses.

Employment & Training:

I need help with my CV.

I would like to volunteer somewhere.

Family & Relationships:

My Dad’s always on my back.

My boyfriend wants to break up.


I’m very depressed.

I need to know about drugs.

Can I get condoms here?

What is a healthy diet?



Can I get housing benefit?

I’ve been kicked out.

Justice & Equality:

I don’t feel safe.

What are my rights if I’m stopped and searched?


I have got into debt.

I want to open a bank account.


I’m thinking about travelling.

I want to find a good football team.

What you have said about us:

Meeting your needs:

Nationally & locally young people have asked that youth information: Advice: Counselling: Support Services meet their stated needs by:

  1. Treating us with respect
  2. Make it easy for us to access the service
  3. Have all the help we need in one place
  4. Provide a welcoming and age appropriate space
  5. Provide support for young people up to age 25
  6. Have skilled workers who take us seriously
  7. Involve us in decision making
So these are the needs we aspire to at Clued-up

“It takes a lot of courage for us to turn up at a service and ask for help, especially if we are dealing with a range of problems or going through a crisis. We need to know what we can expect when we walk through the door, and that we will be treated fairly and consistently.”

Clued-up Info